The Longest Day 2023 Event will end on 08/29/2023. Please register for The Longest Day 2024 event in September.
Log Cash or Check Donations
Please send donations promptly to the Chapter office, making sure to convert cash to checks before mailing. Please indicate "cash converted to check" in the memo field.
- Contributions entered on this page will not count toward fundraising rewards until they have been received by the Alzheimer's Association.
- After the event, you may see that donations entered on this page will temporarily disappear while we process funds received on the day of the event. Funds will be re-credited as we complete our data processing.
- Please include the Walker Donation Information Form when submitting donations. The form is extremely helpful for us to assure we properly track your donations.
If you have any questions, please contact the Chapter office:
Take a tour of the Participant Center
Get to know the Participant Center with this quick guided tour. You can cancel out of the tour at any time, and start the tour again later.
See donations made to your team
As team captain, you can also view donations made on behalf of your team and send thank you messages. Note: This does not mean you can view donations made on behalf of individual team members. This list only includes gifts donated in the name of your team.
Thank You
That concludes our self-guided tour of the Participant Center. If you ever need to start the tour again, simply click the "Take the Tour" button at the top. Thank you for supporting The Longest Day's efforts to end Alzheimer's.
Invite your friends to come to your event.
Add an "RSVP" option to your Team Page, then send invitations and ask others to attend your Longest Day celebration. Friends can RSVP and sign up for event reminders!
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Thank you!
Every email you send brings us closer to a world without Alzheimer's.
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#TheLongestDay #ENDALZ