2024 The Longest Day - Mike Golf

Your Dollars at Work

Every dollar you raise benefits those affected by Alzheimer’s disease in your community.

The Alzheimer’s Association is a global organization, working to advance care, support and research across the world. From face-to face support to online education programs and promising worldwide research initiatives, the money you raise makes a difference in the lives of those facing Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s Association:

Provides care and support to all those facing Alzheimer’s.

Drives research toward treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure.

  • Currently investing $320 million in more than 1000 active best-of-field projects in 54 countries.
  • Brings the global research community together to tackle common challenges, such as the first new diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’s in 30 years.
  • Drives support for transformational projects such as the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU).

Speaks up for the needs and rights of people affected by Alzheimer’s.

  • Accelerated the passage of landmark legislation such as the National Alzheimer's Project Act, which mandated the creation of a national plan to fight Alzheimer's disease.
  • Advanced commitment to Alzheimer’s funding from the federal government. Funding for Alzheimer's and dementia research at the National Institutes of Health is more than $3.7 billion annually, representing a more than seven-fold increase since the passage of the National Alzheimer's Project Act.
  • Recruits advocates nationwide, so that the need for Alzheimer's care, education and research is heard at every level of government.
Use of Funds
Where the Money Goes chart

The Alzheimer’s Association exceeds the rigorous standards of America’s most experienced charity evaluator, the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance. The Association also holds a National Charity Seal from the Alliance.

BBB Accredited Charity