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Team page of Lee Law Office

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Lee Law Office wholeheartedly joins the walk to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Association. Recognizing the devastating impact of Alzheimer's disease on individuals, families, and communities, the firm aims to support the noble cause of finding a cure and improving the lives of those affected by this debilitating condition. With a deep understanding of the legal complexities surrounding estate planning and the importance of safeguarding one's assets and healthcare decisions, Lee Law Office acknowledges the urgent need for research, advocacy, and support services provided by the Alzheimer's Association. By actively participating in the walk and raising funds, the firm demonstrates its unwavering commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by Alzheimer's, fostering hope, and enhancing the quality of life for countless individuals and families facing this challenging journey.

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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$2,107 Raised
42% Achieved

Our Walk

Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
Dennis P Lee P.C., L.L.O
Ed Derks
Kim Stewart
Mike W.
Miya Leonard
Simone Rall
Kathy Irvin
Denny Lee
Chelsea Caruso
Maggie Lee
Michelle Newton
Starla Ehrisman
Starla ehrisman
Bob Mackie
Miya Leonard
Starla Ehrisman
Michelle Newton
Ed Derks
Robert Mackie
Michael Whitaker
Kim Stewart
Juan Gudino
Katherine Whitaker
Simone Rall
Juan Gudino
Top Donors
Dennis P Lee P.C., L.L.O
Ed Derks
Kim Stewart
Mike W.
Miya Leonard

Team Roster

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