ALZtogether was created to build awareness within college sports for Alzheimer’s disease and all other dementia. Through college athletics, we can reach an incredibly important community. Student athletes can get involved with their ALZtogether game by spreading the word, raising funds for the Alzheimer's Association, and playing for someone they love who has been affected by Alzheimer’s.
An ALZtogether game is a sporting event that will focus on supporting the Alzheimer's Association to raise important awareness and funds for their local Alzheimer's community. Colleges can select a single sport and a game, or select games across multiple sports and create an on campus movement. ALZtogether has been designed to be easy to implement, but more importantly you can make it your own. Help support the cause and be the next college with athletes fighting Alzheimer's.
For more information, please reach out to Andrew Christy at the Alzheimer's Association at To learn more about the Alzheimer's Association please visit
Participant Name | Event Name | Amount |
Alzheimer's Association | 2025 The Longest Day | $325 |
Mizzou Volleyball | 2025 The Longest Day | $290 |
Rachel Morris | 2025 The Longest Day | $275 |
Tara Simpson-Sullivan | 2025 The Longest Day | $200 |
SNU Athletics | 2025 The Longest Day | $94 |
Plnu Volleyball | 2025 The Longest Day | $70 |
Tori Gray | 2025 The Longest Day | $70 |
Emily Sashko | 2025 The Longest Day | $40 |
Mackenzie Keenan | 2025 The Longest Day | $30 |
Preslie Anderson | 2025 The Longest Day | $20 |
#TheLongestDay #ENDALZ