Anthology Senior Living
National Team Type:Member - Company Name:Anthology Senior LivingCompany URL:

At Anthology Senior Living, we walk in solidarity and honor those whose stories have intertwined with our own, whose stories have clouded or shortened over time due to Alzheimer's Disease but have enriched us nonetheless.
More than 6 million Americans are faced with an Alzheimer's diagnosis, and the impact of that diagnosis can be felt by loved ones and caregivers alike. Anthology is proud to partner with the Alzheimer's Association to promote awareness, caregiver help and support, and research to help treat and ultimately prevent this terrible disease.
I walk in loving memory of my grandmother, who battled Alzheimer's for six years; many of us today are touched by a loved one, friend, or even an acquaintance who this disease has struck.
This walk is for everyone. No matter the connection, the goal is the same; to find new ways to treat, prevent and ultimately, find a cure! I encourage you to help support this cause by joining us on the WALK TO END Alzheimer's today.
Erin Caswell
Executive Vice President, Operations
Anthology Senior Living