Walk to End Alzheimer's Walk to End Alzheimer's Event Home
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CHS Therapy, LLC

CHS Therapy, LLC
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National Team Type:Member National Team - Company Name:CHSCompany URL:https://www.adaptiverehab.com

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Our organization is so excited and proud to offer this opportunity to support the Alzheimer's Association at the local and national levels. With our involvement, we hope to increase awareness of Alzheimer’s, raise valuable donations toward its research, and foster a sense of community through the support of a great cause.

Participating in these inspiring walks across the country is not only reflective of our team's values, but our dedication to our patients and their families, our fellow caregivers, and the healthcare community at large. Our team regularly works with patients and their families, who are afflicted by this disease, making these efforts all the more meaningful.

Thank you for joining our Walk team! Your participation and donations will help us fight to end the disease that affects more than 6 million Americans. Together, we can make a difference.

Danielle Box, CEO

How to register your team


CHS Team Coordinator:

Contact Name:Julia Furber
Email Address:jfurber@continuinghcpartners.com

Sue Hilger
Email Address:shilger@continuinghcpartners.com

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