Visiting Angels
National Team Type:Platinum National Team - Company Name:Visiting AngelsCompany URL:
Company Description
Why We Walk: Visiting Angels has been bringing hope, independence and peace of mind to seniors and their families since 1998. As essential in-home caregivers, we understand, first-hand, the impact of Alzheimer’s. We know the trials the disease brings to families and loved ones, and this is why we walk.
Our joy and mission is to offer compassionate caregiving to those affected by Alzheimer’s, and we collectively pray and hope to celebrate the day when there is a cure. Until that time comes, caring for those with Alzheimer’s is a necessary and rewarding job we share with our whole community.
In the United States, someone develops Alzheimer’s every 65 seconds. Finding a way to stop this ticking clock and providing love and support for these seniors is something near and dear to our hearts, and it’s an important objective we share with the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Visiting Angels and our network have generated almost 3 million dollars in donations to support the fight to end Alzheimer's disease. And it’s a fight we will continue to support!
Nationally Known and Locally Owned, Visiting Angels welcomes your participation on our team. Join us on our Walk to End Alzheimer’s.
Eliminate Alzheimer’s Disease.
Larry Meigs
Visiting Angels CEO
Visiting Angels Team Incentives: The following credits will be awarded on top of the total amount raised by the winning Visiting Angels Teams.
$250,000 in teams credits.
1st Place: $40,000
2nd Place: $35,000
3rd Place: $30,000
4th Place: $25,000
5th Place: $20,000
6th- 10th Place: $15,000
Biggest Team (all participants on team must have donations/funds raised) $5000
Rock Star Rookie (Best New Team): $5000
Top Individual: $5000
Most Improved: $5000
Of the bottom 50 teams, 5 teams will be picked by random and awarded $1,000.
NEW - Winners will be determined by a transaction report reflecting all donations processed through 12:00am PST on 12/1/24. Please work with your local chapter to ensure all donations are received and credited by this time. Walk teams cannot be combined to win. Incentives will be awarded based on individual teams, registered for one walk event.