Parties Fundraisers
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Host a Fundraising Party or Event

Host an event and celebrate The Longest Day with a BBQ cookout, a black-tie gala or a neighborhood lemonade stand. To start planning your event, select an event type below.

How to Plan a Cookout Fundraising Event
  • Decide on a location and make plans for inclement weather. You can have a cookout in a backyard, campgrounds or a public park. If hosting at a venue other than a private home, find out what sort of grilling is allowed and what time the locale opens and closes. Plan food and beverages based on the number of people attending and provide cutlery, cups and plates. Set an entry fee/donation or fundraising minimum to attend.
Dine and Donate
How to Plan a Dine and Donate Fundraising Event
  • BJ's RestaurantBJ's Brewhouse & Restaurant is the Fifth Annual Proud Supporter and the Dine to Donate Headquarters for The Longest Day. Invite your friends and family to BJ's and they will donate 20% of food and soft beverage sales directly to your fundraiser! Apply for your date on their website.
How to Plan an Gala Fundraising Event
  • If you are able to host or plan a larger soiree, a gala is an ideal way to enjoy a night of food, music and dancing. Set a date and secure a location. Recruit friends and family to help plan the event, which may include hiring a caterer, DJ/band and event support team. Set a ticket price for the event. You may also organize a silent or live auction.
Lemonade Stand
How to Plan a Lemonade Stand Fundraiser
  • Choose a location for your stand, whether it’s in your neighborhood, in a local park or near a beach, golf course or festival where people will be eager for refreshments. Set up in a shaded area and plan for weather, rain or shine, by using a cover or tent. Set up pitchers, cups, napkins and straws, encouraging passersby to donate by-the-glass through friendly conversation.
How to Plan a Fundraising Party
  • Similar to a gala, a less formal party is a terrific way to socialize and raise funds for The Longest Day. Depending on the number of guests, you can host in a home or party venue. You can cook for the event or hire a caterer. You may also provide entertainment, such as a performer or DJ. Set an entry fee/donation for each guest attending.
Multiple Activities
How to Plan a fundraiser with Multiple Activities
  • Pick this option if you have varied interests, or your friends and family want to do other activities. You can host a lemonade stand, knit, and draw on your own, and your friends and family can choose another activity wherever they are and no one is left out!
Other Party or Event Activity
  • Not finding your party or event activity in this list? No problem! Participants in The Longest Day can fundraise to fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association in any way they choose. You can choose "other" and let us know more when you register.
Not sure yet? Choose later!
  • Participants in The Longest Day can fundraise to fuel the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association in any way they choose. If you haven’t found an activity yet, don’t worry! You can always decide later and start fundraising today.

Parties/Events in Action

You can also register now, and decide your activity later!

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