Ride to End ALZ

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Become A Ride Day Volunteer

The Ride to End Alzheimer's® is a fully supported event and our Ride Day volunteers will be vital to the success. Volunteers are needed to help with registration, rest stops along the route, advocacy efforts, cheerleading, and more! Raise awareness and bring your passion for the cause on Ride day by volunteering.

Sign up to volunteer at one of our upcoming events

Or contact the ride team for more information ride@alz.org

Join Our Volunteer Committee

Are you passionate about putting an end to Alzheimer's disease? Do you want to get more involved with the Alzheimer's Association and the Ride to End Alzheimer's? Then we need you! Join the Ride to End Alzheimer's Committee and help grow the movement to end Alzheimer's from the ground up.

Committee members plan each Ride to End Alzheimer's event from the kick-off to the wrap-up. Some committee members focus on growing the event by recruiting teams, getting Ride materials out in the community and securing sponsorships. Helping with social media and marketing and assisting with recruiting day of event volunteers.

To learn more about volunteering through our Ride Committee, contact the ride team directly:

833.239.RIDE (7433)

*Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.

New members are welcome to join any time throughout the year. Committee meetings are held approximately once a month January - December. Subcommittees may meet separately as needed.

Alzheimer's Association: the brains behind saving yours
833.239.RIDE (7433)
Home Office 225 N. Michigan Ave. Floor 17 Chicago, IL 60601
© Alzheimer's Association®. All rights reserved. Alzheimer's Association is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

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