2024 The Longest Day - 48 Peaks

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Hike 48 Peaks Flume_Incline Junkies on Flume 48 Peaks (5).jpg

Hike the 48 4,000 footers of New Hampshire! Our goal is to have at least one team on each of the 48 4,000 footers and beyond! 

Create your own team or join an existing one! Your hike can take place any time that works for you and your team, but most teams hike in June or July. We will be hosting a Hiker Celebration Party at Rek’-Lis Brewing on Saturday, June 8th if you want to plan your hike around this date! That being said, safety is our #1 priority with this event, so we ask that you hike on the day that has the best weather and works for your team. Check out this great website to learn more about each 4,000-footer, elevation, and difficulty.

When a team captain registers, they will receive an email with a link to fill out a Google form. You can select your top three peaks and Association staff and volunteers will reach out to confirm your peak! Of course, we want everyone to feel comfortable hiking their peak so it is 100% okay to have more than one team on each of the 48! 

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We recommend checking out all of these resouces prior to hiking in the White Mountains any time of year:


HIKER CELEBRATION - Join us June 8th!

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