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Margaret (Magi) Trotman's tribute page:

Alice G. Immler Tribute Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Our Mama was the Rock of Gibraltar, a prolific artist,a teacher of God, life and love. She loved her husband, our father, and followed him around the world, keeping his love, life and family in order. I watched as the boundaries of her adventurous wonderings began to slowly shrink,until her comfort zone became the confines of our 10 acre farm. She faced her new fears mostly. She still "walked" daily with cane in hand, surrounded by all the dogs on her treks,yet would stop short at the gate and just stand there. Her routine was simple but important to her. After every nap brought a new day. I bless her for teaching me to care, God bless all the care givers> Deep down, I know they, the Alzheimer victoms, know, they just can't pass that gate to let us know. We lost mama Valentines day 2004. The medications were helping, but she had a stroke and passed 3 months later. Please be there for the care givers, Please visit the stricken, even though they repeat or you have to read the same story over and over. Each moment is a life renewed in their eyes. The adventure of Life never ceases until their last breath. And your gift of just plain love will carry you a life time. Bring the noicy kids, dogs, cats, birds; family noice is good. Again it's just love.

Matthew 18:2
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Thank you-- Margaret Anne Immler Trotman

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