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Ed Blackney's tribute page:

Alberta Callahan Memorial Fund

Alberta Jean Callahan with grandchildren Hallie and Matthew Blackney

Alberta Jean Callahan with grandchildren Hallie and Matthew Blackney

Team Fundraising Goal: $500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 6
Total Value of Gifts: $170.00

Recent Donors

Steven and Aubrey Callahan

Sue Trowbridge

Hallie Blackney

Cindy & Charlie Roach


Mrs. Kathleen Ann Blackney

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My Mother, Alberta Callahan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease in 1991. Doctors said that she'd probably had it earlier than that, but was good at covering it. At one point she was put on an experimental drug, which really seemed to slow her decline. Unfortunately, the experimental drug didn't help enough patients so the study ended and she could no longer get the drug.

Many painful years of watching her steady decline, realizing Mom didn't recognize me or my 5 brothers any more, is something that shouldn't happen to anyone. Now there are 5.4 million people suffering from the disease. Every 69 seconds another person is diagnosed with it. We have to do whatever we can to find a cure or a prevention for this dreadful disease. I know these are difficult times for many Americans, but if we could all give just a little to help with Alzheimer's research, it could make a difference in many lives.

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