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Andrea Zober's tribute page:

My Mom--Mary Zober

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Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

My mom will be gone 29 years May 17. But actually she was gone 4 years prior to her death. She was a cake decorator (and a good one), when her employer noticed that she was not working up to par. The simpilest tasks were not easy for her to complete. She retired after working almost 50 years. That summer we did all the things you would do when you were a kid--bus trips, museums, family functions. The last trip was a church function in another state--you would think that her world had ended. Thank God for good friends. She then went into a home and finally to a county hospital. The next 2 1/2 yrs there was the decline, but she still had the smile in her eyes that would never go away. The last day I saw her smile was Mother's Day 1980. She is missed every day. And now as I get older, I often wonder--the small things I should be able to do and can't--is this the start of ------ Miss you Mom

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