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Cheryl Wood's tribute page:

Andy Rush

Team Fundraising Goal: $500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Andy is an 83 year old Azheimer's patient. He spent most of his life working in the Aerospace industry. He worked on the Apollo mission in 1969 that sent the astronaunts to the moon when Neil Armstrong took his first steps. He received a letter of Recongnition and Appreciation for his superior dedication and personal contribution to accomplishing the goals and the mission on the Apollo. He also worked on another Apollo mission before leaving the La Mirada, CA area. He was a veteran of WW II where he served in the Navy. He received his Bachelor's Degree from Oklahoma State in Electronics Engineering. It was some time during that time he first soloed as a pilot. Planes & space were his life. In 1957 he married Marlene Miller. They had 2 daughters that absolutely think the world of him (isn't that space related?). He grew up in Billings, OK. Then he moved to Wichita, KS, Clearwater, FL, San Diego, CA, La Mirada, CA, & finally Clearfield, UT where he lived for 33 years until we had to move him to an assisted living facility. His wife passed away in Nov. of 1986. He never remarried. He now is in a facility in SLC. We are hoping to move him closer to us real soon. I really miss my Dad.

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