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Hannah Van Alst's tribute page:

"Nanny"- Glenda Holman

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Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

My nanny, Glenda, is such an inspiration to me. She has really shown me how strong she is since she was diagnosed with AD in October 2006. When my mom told me my nanny had AD I honestly didn't want to believe it. I knew my nanny had changed but I didn't think anything of it because I didn't know anything about AD. I go to my nanny's every weekend and it really bothers me that she is not the same person she was three years ago. I am lighting this candle to honor my nanny and poppa. My poppa is my nanny's rock, to see him be strong through out my life and even stronger with my nanny going through this struggle makes me love him even more. He has had to take on so many responsibilities since my nanny was diagnosed with AD and he doesn't give up. My nanny has her good days and bad days and he helps her get through everyday. I want to thank my nanny and poppa for being great grandparents and I really love both of you.

There are 5 million people in the United States with AD, and it is the sixth leading cause of death. There are so many reasons why I think we need to find a cure for AD, but the number one reason is that my nanny has it and she is suffering from it. I love her so much and will be there for her every step of the way, I don't know what I would do without her. We have to raise awareness and find a cure for this horrible disease.

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