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Lisa Culverwell's tribute page:

Zelpha May Ulbrich

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Team Fundraising Goal: $500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

My grandmother passed away February, 2008 of Alzheimer's Disease. She was third in her immediate family to lose the battle of this horrible disease. Among her to pass away of Alzheimer's was her sister, Doris Ball, and her brother. She was extremely fearful that she might have the disease after her sister passed with it. When we found out that she did in deed have it, no one told her. We knew how scared she was of the disease, so we told her that she had dimensia. She had Alzheimer's for 13 years, six years longer than her sister and three years less than her brother. Less than one year after her husband, Marion Ulbrich, put my grandmother in the nursing home, my grandfather passed away of a broken heart. Today, I light this candle in memory of Zelpha May and Marion Ulbrich, in hopes that a cure will be found soon.

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