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Melanie Holden's tribute page:

Fannie Louise Holden Alzheimer's Research Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 12
Total Value of Gifts: $1,672.00

Recent Donors

Team Holden -- Capitol Office

Assemblymember Shirley Weber

Cristina Garcia

Anthony Rendon

Richard Bloom & Robbie Black

Ed Chau

Trina and David Pruitt

Gerald Phillips

The Assembly District Staff

Zucco Family

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In Honor of Fannie Louise Holden who went on to glory May 10 2013!

Louise Holden was fiercely independent; completely devoted to her family, and had a heart of gold. She lived her life with dignity and grace until Alzheimer's became her competitor, and stole the essence of the great woman she truly was.

I was with her when she was diagnosed. Simple questions defied her recollection. But she was aware enough to know what the doctor’s pronouncement meant.

For our mom, Louise, it meant working through the realization that something was happening to her that was causing her to feel frustrated, angry, and sad. Her illness became a constant battle of uneasy feelings and discomfort from asking a question and then asking the same question that was asked just moments ago.

Her condition created a severe loss of cognitive control over time, which impaired her ability to speak, physical movement and ultimately the desire to eat. Alzheimer’s stole the steady control, and ability to perform everyday tasks she was able to do her entire life.

For the family, it's denial, anger, sadness, frustration and ultimately a series of goodbyes.

But for us, God is good and He gets the glory even in this. Our mom gained more friends who admired her warm kind ways, free spirited dancing and dignity and grace even as she managed through the various stages of the disease.

Even in her last few days, she still recognized our voices and appreciated our efforts to reconnect her to her past. Her favorite stories and music evoked a light in her eyes that said I love you too.

It is our hope that other families, as a result of the great Alzheimer's research being done, will ultimately have a winning story to tell.

We remain hopeful that a cure for Alzheimer’s will be found in the future!

God Bless

Chris Holden, and the entire Holden Family.

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