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Total Gifts:

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Rudy Acevedo's tribute page:

Mickie Acevedo Memorial Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 19
Total Value of Gifts: $1,110.00

Recent Donors


Ingrid Scobie


Angie Bivins


Bobbie B. Pena

Johnny & Karen Friesenhahn

Terry Garvens

Chris & Sara Bunch

Bruce & Courtney Scobie

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Maria Micaela "Mickie" Acevedo was born on 12/22/33, and passed away on 05/15/13 from complications due to Alzheimer's. She is survived by Rudy Acevedo, Sr., and her children Delia Cervantes, and Rudy Acevedo, Jr., and her granddaughter, Amanda Cervantes.

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