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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Mary Gurr's tribute page:

The John W. Gurr Memorial Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 51
Total Value of Gifts: $4,025.00

Recent Donors

Wayne and Bonnie Jefferson

Mary Gurr

Henry ("Van") & Edith van Wageningen

Betsy & Jay Siegel

Harry and Kari Miller


Wendy and Nick Taylor


Skip & Jean Gray Rice

Susan Margaret Harmon

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Dear Friends -

Thank you so much for considering a donation in memory of our father/husband, John W. Gurr.

As you know, he suffered from Alzheimer's for several years. Through your support, we can continue the Alzheimer's Association's vital research towards a cure, and sustain essential support groups that counsel victims and family members dealing with the disease.

With much love,

Chris, Brian and Mary

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