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Scott Clark's tribute page:

Cap Clark "Help Cure" Alzheimer's Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 23
Total Value of Gifts: $1,915.00

Recent Donors


P, R , S & W


Peter & Renee Clark

Scottie and Bill Ferry


Puffin Scrivenor Coe

Mr. and Mrs. David O'Neill

Joan and Richard Kingsbury

The Clayton/Caras Family

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Thomas "Cap" Clark passed away on March 2, 2013 after a tenacious battle with Alzheimer's. He is survived by his wife of sixty years, Barbara, three sons and daughters-in-law, six grandchildren,one great grandchild and his sister, Paula.

Cap graduated from Harvard in 1948 after serving two years in the US Navy. He spent his professional career with New England Tel/Verizon in the New York, Boston and Northern New England regions.

He greatly enjoyed life with his family and friends and remained active with travel, golf, tennis and skiing until very recently. His friends knew him as Cap which came from his lifelong love of the water and sailing.

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