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Di Longo's tribute page:

Carol (Valesano) Pillarelli Memorial Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 1
Total Value of Gifts: $100.00

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Isabelle M. Valesano

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Carol's Story

Our dear Carol was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's Disease 6 years ago. At the young age of 65, she died on Monday, January 14, 2013 at Bortz Health Care in Rose City, MI.

Carol was born in Ironwood, MI on September 5, 1947 and raised in Wakefield, MI. Carol and Al Pillarelli met after high school. Carol had become employed by the University of Michigan as a student housing coordinator in Ann Arbor and Al attended Ferris State University in Big Rapids, MI. (Born and raised over 600 miles apart - Carol in Wakefield and Al in Monroe). They were introduced in June of 1966 by a friend of one of Al's cousins - a blind date that neither of them wanted and the rest is history. Love at first sight! They were married on October 28, 1967 at Immaculate Conception Church in Wakefield. She was the best thing that ever happened to Al!!

Carol's most cherished accomplishments were all about the family. As a child, she guided and protected her little sister, Di, throughout her childhood and to this day. It was Carol who boldly and persistently met head-on every challenge imaginable to see to it that Brittanie and Melodie had a good Christian home. (Brittanie and Melodie are grandchildren who were raised by Carol and Al from early childhood). Al was the head of the household and "whatever Carol said goes!" She was indeed an angel with a very kind heart and with the backbone of a fierce adversary when called for. She was the epitome of the expression that "behind every good man is a good woman!"

Gone too soon, but in close in our hearts forever. We love you, Carol!

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