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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Andrew Christy's tribute page:

In Memory of Coach Bob Knight

Total Number of Gifts: 93
Total Value of Gifts: $13,404.42

Recent Donors

Knight Legacy, LLC

The Rath Family

Colin Kulpa

Randy and Kathy Wittman

Knight Legacy, LLC

Andrea and Ken Kulik


Upland Brewing Company


Mr. Jami Qureshi

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It is with heavy hearts that we share that Coach Bob Knight passed away at his home in Bloomington surrounded by his family. We are grateful for all the thoughts and prayers, and appreciate the continued respect for our privacy as Coach requested a private family gathering, which we are honoring. We will continue to celebrate his life and remember him, today and forever as a beloved Husband, Father, Coach, and Friend.

In lieu of flowers, please consider honoring Coach with a contribution to the Alzheimer’s Association at Coach’s dedicated memorial website where you can also share your most cherished memories.

-The Knight Family

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