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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Natalie Mccants's tribute page:

In Honor of Willie A. McCants

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 11
Total Value of Gifts: $730.00

Recent Donors

Celestial Chapter 6

Randy & Dora Vaughan

Barbara Bogues

Lou Ethel Carrington

Carolyn Wheeler

Warren & Octavia Wheeler

Jannie Isom

Hettie Armstrong

Serving On A Higher Level

Marsetta McCants

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

My dad was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. It hit him hard, and fast. It was heartbreaking to see someone so tall, proud, and strong grow so small. Although it took him away, January 27, 2023, it can never take away the precious moments spent together and forever cherished. While he may be unseen and unheard, he will be deeply missed and loved, and forever held close to our hearts.

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