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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Jessica Esposito's tribute page:

Peter DiGeronimo

Team Fundraising Goal: $500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 9
Total Value of Gifts: $375.00

Recent Donors

Peter DiGeronimo

Melody Williams

Geralyn DiGeronimo

Peter DiGeronimo

Thomas and Malvina Godfrey

John and Theresa Esposito

Peter and Maria Plaza

Marisa Viggiano

Jessica Esposito

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~Honoring the Beautiful Life of Peter DiGeronimo~
Peter was a gentle and loving soul. Alzheimer's took him from us 7 years ago and the Lord took him peacefully on October 14, 2022. Throughout the years he fought and overcame many challenges, however, we were still blessed with beautiful memories. We miss him terribly, know that he is at peace and no longer suffering.
In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Alzheimer's Association who promote research and resources to end suffering of this awful disease.

Thank you and your contribution is very much appreciated.

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