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Cindy Tungate's tribute page:

Sandy Tungate

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 12
Total Value of Gifts: $1,225.00

Recent Donors

Gregg and Kelley Morrison


Jeff Berg

Krista and Bernie

Jacque Jennings-Carter

Pam & Rick Foster

Alicia D'Aloia

Ed & Judy Burnham

Connie and Rick Duffett

Barbara and Scott Jones family

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Sandy was an incredible mother, aunt, grandmother, wife and friend to all who were a part of her life. She was always concerned about the welfare of the people she loved, and she loved to laugh and have fun. In the early stages, one of the aspects of alzheimers that bothered her the most was forgetting the names of the people she loved. Even in her end stages of alzheimers, she she would say to people "be careful" when they left her and tell them she loved them. Her natural instinct for loving and caring always emerged from the fogginess of her brain.

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