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Total Gifts:

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Sandy De Vincenzo's tribute page:

Vincent De Vincenzo

Total Number of Gifts: 11
Total Value of Gifts: $1,430.00

Recent Donors

Tom & Patty


Rich & Ellen Tosi

Academy of Country Music

Vaquero Midstream LLC

JC Schultz

Adrian & Kim Michaels


Guy & Doreen DeVincenzo


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Vince peacefully passed and completed his battle with Alzheimer's on November 27, 2021.

He was a family man who loved his wife, children, and grandchildren deeply. He especially enjoyed sharing his passions of soccer, dancing, and music with his loved ones. Vince was a devout Catholic and consistent parishioner of his local parish. He regularly volunteered his time to the church, where he served as an usher.

While Vince's educational and career accomplishments are notable, it is who he was - not what he did that will leave the most lasting impact on those who loved him.

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