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Shirley Caro's tribute page:

Brunilda B. O'Meara

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,021.00

Total Number of Gifts: 39
Total Value of Gifts: $2,021.00

Recent Donors


Tim DeCant and Michele Hedding

Sheena Lowe

Jarel Melendez

Melinda Romeo

Hilda Moore

Myra Elgabry

Brunilda B. O'Meara

Carol Hannah

Alma Ramon

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On August 30, 2021, Brunilda, affectionately known as Bruni to family and friends, passed away.

Bruni loved to laugh and would often joke about any and every one that would happen to catch her eye. Her laughter would make you laugh, even if you were the joke.

Bruni loved to garden and anything she planted would definitely grow. Bruni’s backyard would often resemble a jungle. If you were so foolish to leave her alone in your yard, even for just a few minutes, you got whatever she happened to plant for you! Bruni would later say while touring your yard, “I planted that, I planted this, that’s my plant”… and there went your garden.

Bruni loved all animals-- even chickens to the occasional rooster in her backyard. Bruni had a cat she was allergic to but kept around anyway. Bruni especially adored dogs and would always sneak them some table food and on special occasions un poquito de café.

Bruni loved to cook and would make all types of cuisine because she was a world class home chef! Her black beans were simply delicious! If you asked Bruni how she made something, it was always a little bit of this or that, there was no exact recipe you could follow. Bruni truly cooked from her heart.

Bruni loved her music, whether she was singing or dancing she was always moving to the beat. Even when she no longer remembered the words she would still move her hands and feet especially for Los Panchos, Marc Anthony and Celia Cruz, to name a few.

Missing Bruni with all our hearts.

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