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JEHM Wealth & Retirement's tribute page:

JEHM Wealth & Retirement - Alzheimer's Tribute

Team Fundraising Goal: $500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 1
Total Value of Gifts: $25.00

Recent Donors

David & Lorri C.

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Together we are stronger!

Hey everyone!
We started Wear Jeans Wednesday as a way to have some fun and recognize our team's hard work with the ability to wear jeans on Fridays. We asked each person to donate $1 for each jean's day to a great cause. Last year, we were able to donate an amazing $1,200 to the American Cancer Society and the V Foundation for Cancer Research!

This year, we are focusing on the fight against Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia. We are all aging and unfortunately these diseases can have an impact on all of us, either personally or through someone we care about. That's why we host Wear Jeans Wednesday each week to bring attention and support to those who are fighting, have fought, or have lost someone they love to these terrible diseases.

Join us on Wear Jeans Wednesday and let's make a difference! If you introduce someone to JEHM Wealth & Retirement, we will donate $25.00 to the Alzheimer's Association. You can also make a donation on your own by clicking the "Donate" button on this page.

Together we are stronger!

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