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Total Gifts:

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Catherine Hickey's tribute page:

Norma L. Bolduc Tribute

I remember that we had a great afternoon taking in the Cape Cod air. Let's ensure all remember.

I remember that we had a great afternoon taking in the Cape Cod air. Let's ensure all remember.

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 20
Total Value of Gifts: $2,050.00

Amazing Donors

Anna K

A Friend of Meme


Lynne and Bob Thomas

The Klein Family


Laura Norris

Marcia Bromfield

Teres Raimondi


Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

She is singing and dancing

Norma was one of the most generous people - with her time, her treasure and her talent. She gave. We ask that you give. Please help support research to find a cure for ALZ in her memory - to enable the firsthand sharing of memories for generations to come. She majored in history but ironically was not able to fully recall her own. And it is indeed a life from which to draw many lessons and joy. A life worth sharing... a life constantly in service of others. Our family thanks you in advance for THE CURE that WILL BE FOUND to benefit many in the near future - because you gave your time, your treasure and your talent TODAY - to a worthy cause in honor of Meme. Thank you for your contribution PLEASE SHARE! #soarinsplendormeme #ENDALZ

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