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Elissa McGlaughlin's tribute page:

In Loving Memory - Lora Lee Richardson

Total Number of Gifts: 12
Total Value of Gifts: $1,050.00

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Evan Breig

Your Friends at Busey

Richard Richardson

Poppy & Grammy

McLaughlin's and families

Dave and Tonya

Bryan and Paula

Your Friends at Busey

Melissa Cassidy

Mom and Todd

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Lora Lee Richardson, 74, passed away peacefully in her home on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 in the loving arms of her husband, Richard Richardson. Born to Marjorie V. and Kenneth H. Purcell, on May 13, 1946 she lived most of her life in the family home in Kirkwood, Missouri, residing more briefly in Chula Vista, CA, Manchester, MO, and Sleepy Hollow, IL throughout the seasons of her life.

Predeceased by both her parents, Marjorie and Kenneth, and her brother Keith F. Purcell. Lora is survived by her husband of 12 years, Rich and lovingly remembered by her children Mark W. Broadhurst (Michelle), Elissa M. McGlaughlin-Ragusa (Kristen), and Matthew A. Broadhurst (Amy), and grandchildren Jordan, Payton, Max, and Lucy.

Lora shared herself freely and lovingly with others, offering a welcoming smile and a supportive ear especially the friends of her children, the students she helped to educate and advise during her years as a teacher's aide, and most recently her stepchildren Susan Ganter, Sean Richardson (Melissa), Scott Richardson (Cheryl), Alecia Peck (Shannon) and Connie Riley (Tony) and their extended families.

Lora will be remembered as a dedicated friend and neighbor. She was a creative spirit, who enjoyed reading and writing poetry, refinishing furniture, and collecting antiques. She loved to spend time outdoors, going for walks, enjoying nature, and gardening.

Special thanks to the neighbors and friends who have helped support the family through Lora's passing, including the Pathways hospice team, and Lora's special buddy-Nina Freeman.

Private family services are being arranged for a future date.

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