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Family Caroline's tribute page:

In Memory of Caroline "Lani" Choo

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $125.00

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Mark & Wendell


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You will be greatly missed, but never forgotten!

We are grateful to the Alzheimer's Association of Hawaii for offering support to all families affected by Alzheimer's/Dementia.
So thankful that we found a wonderful resource and support group led by Ira and the other volunteers who provided their time and dedication to us when our family first experienced the onset, signs and symptoms.
Due to early detection, we were blessed to have mom with us for 21 years, following diagnosis, in good health, except for the dementia, and fortunately (most times),
she recognized her immediate family until the very end, although wouldn't remember what she ate for lunch, or what date it was--honestly, does any of this really matter? Comfort, Love and Peace, No Stress, No Pain.
Her peaceful smile was the main highlight of our day, listening to Hawaiian music, Merry Monarch on YouTube, enjoying her favorite foods-soft gau gee min, poi/laulau, any sweet desert, and reminiscing about the good old days, spending time with her grandchildren and sister, brothers, relatives, cousins, friends, and caregivers.

We would appreciate that you post any memories/stories of " Aunty Lani" that you may have to share...never to be forgotten....

Mahalo from the Family of Caroline "Lani" Choo.

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