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Susan Bourgault's tribute page:

"Helen Peloquin Memorial Fund"

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,200.00

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

When Mom was first diagnosed with dementia I had no clue what this was. Then as her desease progressed it became more clear that this was not something that could be cleared and she would be fine in a couple weeks or months. Just the opposite she would get worse as time went by. First she'd forget people close to her. The first time I went to see her and she didn't know me ripped my heart out.But that was just the beginning of things she would soon forget Eventually she forgot how to walk and talk, feed herself and all the things we just take for granted that we learned and think they will always be there. Mom passed away July 2,2011 and I spent the last 3 weeks holding her hand every day and singing to her. i slept in her room every night and would say to her as I would go to my bed "Mom I'm going to bed now,I'll see you in the morning if your here and if not I'll see you when I see you.Then I would kiss her goodnight and tell her I loved her and I would go to bed.The night she passed I had gone home my brother called me and told me to come back and when I got there she was gone. I kissed her held her hand sang her her favorite song and told her I'd see her when I see her.I have been walking for Alzheimers 3 years now and I hope that someday there will be a cure so people don't have to suffer through the terriable deseasethat takes everything from you your memories,your freedom,your life......

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