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Lucero Family's tribute page:

Magdalena "Helen" Lucero - Grandma Honey

"Magdalena" Helen Lucero - Our beautiful mother and sweet Grandma Honey

Photo Pages

click to see more of Our beautiful Mother

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 10
Total Value of Gifts: $1,080.00

Recent Donors

Patti Robeson

MaryLinda Coulson

Leslie Dimmick

Sandi and Spence

Mindi-Kim Schrum

Lisa Nash

Stephanie, Mike, Elena and Aiden

Ana & Todd

Atlas Sand

David "Jimbo" Lucero

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Our beautiful mother in Mesa, AZ 2014

Virtuosa (Canción Especial Día de las Madres)
- Samuel Adrian (Letra) Música Cristiana

I have watched this horrific disease take your fondest memories and your words but I know you are here.

I look into your beautiful brown eyes; your flawless skin and I know you are with me. I know you enjoy being greeted with a soft kiss on the cheek and a hug. I know you are listening as I rest my head on your chest and tell you "I love you".
I know you still enjoy a beautiful spring day with the warm sun on your face, listening to the birds singing and the smell of the flowers blooming.

I know you are here when I tell you that you are the best mother ever and my hope is to be half the mother to my kids as you are to me. I know you are listening when I play the song Bendito sea Dios Gela or De Colores and you open your eyes. I know you are here when I tell you my hopes and my dreams for the future,

I know you still feel your best when your hair is curled and you are wearing your signature red lipstick with the perfect necklace to match your outfit.

Although you may not know my children's names or recognize their faces you know they are your family. As you do when your great grandson takes his small fingers and gently strokes your face. I know you enjoy hearing the conversation and laughter when we come to visit.

I see the enjoyment in your face as you bite into a biscochitos dipped in fresh coffee or as a spoonful of ice cream as it melts in your mouth.

As the illness takes its toll and your conscious moments become less and your words are fewer you still let me know you are here. It could be the words "I love you too", a simple smile, a look in yours eyes and most recently a small squeeze to my hand to let me know you are still here.

Dedicated to all those individuals who believe that people suffering from Alzheimer's disease are a "shell of a person" and no longer "here".

Written For my mother,
Helen Lucero July 2, 1925 - August 3, 2019
June 28, 2019 - Stephanie Lucero-Katz

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