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Total Gifts:

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Kelly Williamson's tribute page:

Kelly's 30th Birthday Fund Raising Extravaganza!

Nana, Grandma, and Myself at my High School Graduation in 2007

Nana, Grandma, and Myself at my High School Graduation in 2007

Team Fundraising Goal: $250.00

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $70.00

Recent Donors

Aunt Cathy and Uncle George

Miss Margaret M Silinski

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Dear Family and Friends,

This year, for my 30th birthday, I am asking you to please donate to this amazing foundation.

As most of you know, and some even experienced with me, both of my grandmothers had some form of this awful disease. Even though their symptoms varied greatly from each other, they each still had a variation of dementia.

It was so hard to watch the people I loved become some other version of themselves.

My wish is for there to be a cure for this awful disease, so that future generations won't have to go through the pain and heartache that my family and I went through. I wish for funding to never end for the research into this disease. Once there IS a cure, I wish for it to be accessible by any and all who may need it, at a reasonable, affordable price, if not free.

So help me, beloved family and friends, in helping me raise money for this organization that is very near and dear to my heart.

Love Always,

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