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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Jill Jordan's tribute page:

Alcatraz for Alzheimer's

Team Fundraising Goal: $3,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 52
Total Value of Gifts: $3,520.00

Recent Donors


Suna Sullivan

Ron & Barb Sanders for Fran Doub who fights every day.

Annette Halvorson


In Memory of Barbara Helm



Anne L. Northrup

Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP

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On July 27, 2019, I will be participating in the annual "Alcatraz Sharkfest" - swimming the 1.5 mile distance from Alcatraz Penitentiary to shore, along with over 700 other adventurous souls. The water temperature will be in the's FUN! And I'm swimming for such an important cause.

This will be my 3rd swim from Alcatraz, and I'm looking forward to dedicating my training and love of swimming to help fund Alzheimer's research. I invite you to partner with me to make a difference in the lives of those with Alzheimer's and those caring for them. ps - please send me some good thoughts the morning of July 27.....I'm gonna be cold!! Thank you! ~JillyFish

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