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Leila Gagnon's tribute page:

In Memory of Hossein Ali Lotfi

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Hossein Ali Lotfi succumbed to a stroke at the age of 87 after his battle with Alzheimer's & Dementia.

Hossein was a painter, a calligrapher, a photographer, a traveler, a gardener, a cook, and a friend to many. He loved art and worked as an illustrator until his retirement. He enjoyed gardening, and would often stop to smell the roses. He had a zeal for travel and his Nikon camera would always follow wherever his travels lead him. In his spare time, he enjoyed painting a new masterpiece, making marmalade (out of anything), and watching westerns.

To watch this man who had a passion for life lose his sense of self was heartbreaking. This independent man had to rely on others. As a result of the Dementia, he was unable to pick up a paintbrush, unable to prune his beautiful roses, and unable to write his elegant calligraphy. He didn't know what day it was or sometimes, who he was.

What people often don't understand, is that Dementia is more than just memory loss. It's a brain disease that in time affects the entire body, resulting in not only mental decline, but physical decline as well. But against our better judgment, we try to reason with them. We argue. We lose our patience. We question their odd behavior and their yelling as we just don't understand. People lack the compassion, but more so, the comprehension.

His story has been shared with the hope that you will educate others, and help support the research of this progressive disease.

Peace be thine now, Hossein. Continue to enjoy your apple pie and coffee.

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