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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Gordon Lawrence's tribute page:

Phil A. Lawrence Memorial Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,500.00

Total Number of Gifts: 11
Total Value of Gifts: $960.00

Recent Donors

Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Valverde


Gerardina Sara Leacock

Patrice O. Yarbough

Lorrie Primeaux

Annette Street

Philbert's children


Laura Sarmiento

Woodward Academy Dining Services

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Those that knew Phil, knew him to be a vibrant man with a personality that was larger than life. As the years went by he fell victim to this horrible disease. Eventually it debilitated his health and quality of life. We watched as the man we all knew and loved fade away right before our eyes. Only after a long and slow battle did Phil pass away from this disease on May 2, 2018.

Not only does this disease rob someone of a normal quality of life, it also affects and robs their family and friends of time and memories with their loved one.

Your donation and contribution to this cause will go towards research to find a cure, so that families do not have to experience the pain of watching a loved one's mind slip away.

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