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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Art Donovan's tribute page:

ALZ on the AT

Total Number of Gifts: 114
Total Value of Gifts: $11,557.19

Recent Donors






Danielle Mauragis (radiology)

Danny Donovan

Margaret Donovan

Skiff Lake Homeowners Association

John & Alice Kitchen

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MY Walk to End Alzheimer’s

In 1968, while on a family vacation in Baxter State Park, Maine, my mother made a comment as she read a plaque about the Appalachian Trail.

“I think I’d like to try to hike that trail."

Alzheimer’s Disease has pretty well put a damper on that ambition, much more so than her 91+ years. However, that fleeting statement has bounced around inside my head ever since.
So now, 50 years later, I am going to try to fulfill mom’s dream. Along the way I want to raise awareness of, and money for research into this devastating disease. Come join me on the trail! Walk with me a bit or follow me digitally as I step off onto the trail on February 28, 2018 in pursuit of our shared dream.

A penny per mile for 2,190 miles from Georgia to Maine. One step at a time to raise awareness and donations to take down this disease.

- Art Donovan

For more information...

Follow for photos, journal entries, and updates as Art walks to raise awareness for Alzheimer’s in honor of his mother Theresa who inspires him and guides his journey: ALZ on the AT.

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