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Patricia (Abbruzzi)Tyahla's tribute page:

Ada (Lisk) Abbruzzi Memorial Fund To #EndAlz

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $180.00

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Mrs. Patricia (Abbruzzi)Tyahla

Mrs. Patricia (Abbruzzi)Tyahla

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Alzheimer's: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Alzheimer's. A very scary word. A very scary diagnosis. Now what? Brace yourself, it's going to be a long ride.
Alzheimer's took my Mom, Ada, away from me, long before death did. But it did not take her completely away from me. She had moments of clarity. I KNOW this because when I would tell her "I love you, Mom" she would respond with, "I love you, TOO" TOO. A VERY important word,for it means she KNEW who she was saying it to. She didnt just say it to anybody. My Mom was "in there" up to the end, as clarity came and went. I videotaped it, for when I'm missing her, I can watch & hear our exchange of "I love you's".

I miss seeing her so very much. One of my favorite memories is when I would go visit her in the nursing home, especially in the end months, I would have to wake her up. As soon as she saw me,her eyes would light up with happiness & surprise & she would always give me the biggest smile. She recognized me and was happy to see me! :) And the times she didn't know who I was, I would say to her "That's OK, because I remember YOU! You're my Mom, I'm your daughter, Patricia, and I love you."

My Mom was my #1 priority.

Your loved ones with Alzheimer's, NEED you! I KNOW, first hand, how HARD it is to see your loved one like that, but you've got to be strong & be there for them, to comfort and reassure them that they are loved & not forgotten. In this disease, Out of sight means out of mind. The part of the brain that stores and registers NEW memories does NOT function anymore. I looked at that as each new day was a new adventure, because they will NOT remember yesterday.

I want to END this disease! I do not want anyone else to suffer. I do not want other families to go through what we did. And right now, there are millions of families going through it. We NEED the cure! This is why I am doing this, so that my Mother didn't suffer for nothing, because I KNOW in my heart, that my Mom would not want anyone else to suffer either.

Under the current administration, their plan is to cut Medicare and Medicaid. The Alzheimer's sufferers will NOT be able to get the care and meds they need. This is why it is so imperative that we find the CURE to #EndAlz FOREVER!


Thank you for your support in the fight to #EndAlz


Patricia (Abbruzzi) Tyahla

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