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Renee Morrison's tribute page:

Bettie Duplessis

Total Number of Gifts: 6
Total Value of Gifts: $285.00

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Aaron & Leeanne

Michael Caravello




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In memory of Bettie Duplessis, loving caregiver

Bettie, 83, of Ashburn, VA, passed away on September 21, 2017, surrounded by her family. She has been lovingly caring for her husband, Paul, with Alzheimer's disease at home. She said he took a small town girl from Sumter, SC, to places she never dreamed of going during his Air Force career.
Bettie is survived by her husband, Paul; sister, Sharon Baxter; children Renee Morrison and son-in-law David, and son Anthony (Tony) Duplessis; and grandchildren, Michelle Morrison and Bryan Morrison, and Jenny Rodriguez, grandson-in-law Jesus, and two great grandchildren.

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