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Kristen Moran's tribute page:

Tony Hughes

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Tony lived a life filled with love, family, friends, and passion. Tony gained his wings on 07/20/2017 after suffering from a brain injury. He loved his family and friends fiercely. Everyone who knew him loved him.

Tony's life came to an end too soon. His passing left a void in our hearts.

In April, 1997 Tony lost his father to Alzheimer's. He worked tirelessly to take care of his father and help his mother during this time. He also maintained his role of loving husband and father to his young family while taking care of his parents.

We pray that every dollar donated helps to end this horrible disease.

God Bless and Love to you all!
The Hughes Family

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