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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Kevin Shea's tribute page:

In Loving Memory of Denise Shea

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 36
Total Value of Gifts: $2,725.00

Recent Donors

Kristie Donohue

Amanda Darnley

Deb Taylor

Dr. Terri Beeler

Lou Weissman

Beth Turek

Cari Gordon

MIchael and Sheryl Rosenberg

Sarah Wagoner

Sascha Roth

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This page is in loving memory of Denise Shea...wonderful mother of four sons,Martin, Brian, Patrick and Kevin; and older sister to Kevin Heslin. Denise touched everyone she knew in her life. Even while she was sick, she always smiled, brightened the room, and made others feel happy. Before Alzheimers invaded her mind and body, Denise was an avid dancer and enjoyed learning new steps and meeting new people.

Unfortunately, in the final years of her life, her battle with Alzheimer's grew, and her body could no longer fight. Alzheimers is a terrible disease taking control of your mind, where total memory is eventually lost; your body, where your body no longer remembers how to perform simple body functions. Dancing, which was such a huge part of Denise's life, no longer was an option.

Please make a donation to the Alzheimers Association in honor of Denise Shea. She would love to know that we're fighting the battle against this terrible disease and together we will find a cure.

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