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Michael Phelps's tribute page:

Ardith Phelps Memorial

Mom and her granddaughters

Mom and her granddaughters

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 2
Total Value of Gifts: $1,050.00

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The Aiello Family


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Ardith O. Phelps of Bremerton, WA died age 85 on October 1, 2016 after a 10 year struggle with Alzheimer's.

Although she struggled greatly with her thinking and her movements in her final years, we are grateful that she was kind and open-hearted to the end. We thank her caregivers so much for helping her and helping us all these years.

Ardith was born in New Rockford, ND, graduated with a Chemical Engineering degree from Northwest Nazarene College in Idaho and moved to Bremerton to work at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in 1957.

It was at the Shipyard where Ardith met her future husband Moulton Phelps, who also worked as a chemical engineer at PSNS.

Ardith was a leader in the Kitsap County League of Women Voters in the 1960s and 70s and often wrote articles and appeared on the radio as a spokesperson for the League. She was a long-time and active volunteer at her church, The Bremerton Church of the Nazarene. And she helped raise three wonderful granddaughters.

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