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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Carmen Merced's tribute page:

"Carmen Salas Tribute Fund"

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 5
Total Value of Gifts: $170.00

Recent Donors

Lisette Monike

Estelle Fromm

Rosa Gomez

Marla Stahl

Mrs. Carmen Alicia Merced

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When my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease it was devastating to my family. My very first job was in a Geriatric Center so I knew there were going to be alot of changes as the disease progessed. I knew that my mother would change right before my eyes and as much as I would like to I could do nothing about it. Mom had 10 children and was the best mother to every one of us. It was important to be there for her and get educated about this disease. We were there for our precious mother as she reverted back to infantile stage, in diapers, not remembering our names, repeating herself and not being able to care for herself as she once did. I was bathing my mother now as she once did for me. My mother passed away on February 20, 2008 but she will always have that special place in all our hearts. I would always ask her "Are you my baby"....and she would always reply..."Yeah". It's important to raise money for Alzeimers research. I am hopeful that one day there will be a cure. I lost my mother but for those of you out there who still have loved ones living with this disease please donate and be part of the cure.

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