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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Rudy Gaskins's tribute page:

#SOVAS Gives to Alzheimer's

Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 1
Total Value of Gifts: $100.00

Recent Donors

VO Atlanta - Voiceover Conference - $100.00

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How We Started

Since 2005, with the publishing of Secrets of Voiceover Success, a book about voice acting, foreword by David Hyde Pierce, dedicated to the memory of Joan Baker's father, James Palmer Baker, we have been giving to the Alzheimer's Association to fight for a cure. It began with the book donating 100% of all royalties to the ALZ Association. Then we began developing awareness campaigns and tithing via the annual events we produce for the voiceover community. Now, as SOVASTM, a 501c3 public charity, we are able to do more and will continue to do more. That's Voiceover!TM and the Voice ArtsŪ Awards contributes a portion of its proceeds to the cause to END ALZ. When you buy a ticket to our events, it helps END ALZ. When you make a separate donation, it helps END ALZ. When you share your ALZ story with others, it helps END ALZ.

Event Sale Are Never Enough

It helps to give a portion of our event proceeds to END ALZ, but for those unfamiliar with event production, it bears mentioning that there are enormous costs: renting venues, catering, decorations, marketing, PR, discounting tickets, developing web sites and hiring dozens of qualified workers. To truly make a difference to the cause we seek to create an environment of generosity and depend mostly on your inspired hearts to give liberally when you attend our events and in your private lives. Your understanding and kindness is appreciated. END ALZ.

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