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Total Gifts:

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Joel Neely's tribute page:

James and Ramie Neely Memorial Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 18
Total Value of Gifts: $1,775.00

Recent Donors

Janet, Lynn and Mark


Baucums and Jacksons

Ryan & Rucha Bond

Ralph & Kay Richardson

Crittendon & McLeary families

Russell and Brenta Joy

Kathleen F Smoliga

Clark, Fann, Bond

Jennifer & Gerald Neenan

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James Neely, our father, served as the primary care-giver for our mother Ramie, who suffered with Alzheimer's for two decades. He dedicated himself to ensuring that she could live at home with him for as long as possible. Except for brief hospitalizations for both of them, he was able to sustain that goal up right up until the sudden ailment that took him from us on October 3, 2015. His service was a striking demonstration of the power of loving commitment.
Thanks to his dedication and preparation, Ramie continued to be cared for at home until her departure from this life on March 9, 2017.
Our hope and prayer is that the dedication and preparation of Alzheimer's researchers, caregivers, educators, and those who support their efforts will yield freedom from this disease.

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