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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Michael DeLuca's tribute page:

Thomas A DeLuca Tribute Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 31
Total Value of Gifts: $3,043.00

Recent Donors

Matt, Laurie, Drew & Maddie Levy - $175.00

Grace & Nick Spada - $200.00

Anonymous - $118.00

The Zolnier's - $50.00

Scott and Kathy Kelly - $100.00

Anonymous - $100.00

Mike and Kim McShane - $250.00

Gary and Barb Palmer - $100.00

The Szastak Family - $100.00

Patrick & Amy McSweeny - $100.00

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In loving memory of Thomas A DeLuca. Brother to seven, father of four, grandfather to eleven, and dear friend to many. We will miss you. May these funds bring a cure to Alzheimers.

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