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Theodore Barnhard's tribute page:

Elaine Barnhard Tribute Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 12
Total Value of Gifts: $745.00

Recent Donors

Marthabelle Schuemaker

Sherry Ehrman

Eileen M. Yeomans

Colleen K. Miller

Theodore P> Barnhard

Jen Yelick

Nancy White


Nancy Cameron, Friendship Club

James, Irena and Jimmy Ehrman

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I Love You A Bushel And A Peck And A Hug Around The Neck

I am one of the sons of Elaine. She recently passed away after living with the horrible disease of Alzheimer's for seven years. The worst part of this disease is the robbing the person of who they are. A person is largely defined by the interactions we have with family and friends. When Alzheimer's robs a person of the memories of who they are by the loss of recognition family and friends it is one of the most heart breaking feelings that care givers experience.

Elaine did succumb to ravages of memory loss but never lost her gentle spirit. She was always glad to see visitors although she did not know who they were. One thing she never forgot is to tell a visitor or family upon leaving was "I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck".

Mom, you are finally free of this horrible disease and I have one wish for you. I LOVE YOU A BUSHEL AND A PECK AND TWO HUGS AROUND THE NECK.

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