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Robin Robertson's tribute page:

Robin Mortimer Robertson Leadville 100: My Ride for Alzheimers

My dad fishing at a high mountain lake

My dad fishing at a high mountain lake

Photo Pages

Fund Photo Page

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 41
Total Value of Gifts: $2,300.00

Recent Donors

Tauni R. Petershagen

Lorraine Goulet & Friends

Cheryl Batty

Joyce Mihalovich

Mitch & Lisa Press

Cynthia Lewis

Adrienne Bourque

Andrew Robertson

Pam Sinnett

Betty Lou Berman

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100 Miles; 1,000 Donations; 10,000 Feet

My name is Robin Mortimer Robertson. I will ride the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race on August 13, 2011 in honor of my father who had Alzheimers (he died 25 years ago) and my 87 year old Auntie Tillie who suffers from Alzheimers.

I turn 50 this year and felt the need to do something significant, challenging, and bigger than just me. Thus the race AND the fundraiser for the Alzheimers Association.

100 MILES: Yep. A grueling 100 mile mt. bike race.

1,000 DONATIONS: Please help me to achieve this goal of 1,000 donations. It's crazy!

10,000 FEET: The race starts at 10,000 feet and only goes up from there.

SIGNIFICANT: My father died 25 years ago after years of Alzheimers. I have seen my Auntie Tillie, now 87 years old, decline rapidly in the last few years because of Alzheimers. I am afraid of this disease...watching how it robs us of the very essence of the people we know and love.

CHALLENGING: The Leadville 100 mountain bike race is 100 miles long and starts at 10,000ft and only goes up from there. This is a major personal physical challenge I am thankful to have the chance to attempt.

BIGGER THAN JUST ME: I hope to make this race bigger than my own accomplishment by raising money to support the Alzheimers Society. My goal is 100 miles, 1,000 donations, and 10,000 feet.

Please contribute whatever you can: $1, $10, $100, $1,000. All donations, no matter how big or small, are welcome and will be greatly appreciated.

With Sincere Thanks, Robin
PS - I will post training & fundraising updates on our blog at

"We cannot all do great things; but we can do small things with great love." - Mother Theresa

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