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Kimberly Nielsen's tribute page:

Herbert Evers Tribute Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 40
Total Value of Gifts: $5,540.00

Recent Donors

Emily and Malcolm Fairbairn

Val + Alex

Erin Kitchell & Michael Bolger

Mariana and Victor Rivera


Amanda and Jon Singer


Mrs. Viktoria Bombardi Wilson

Susan Hooi Haufler

Emma and James Scoggins

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Herbert Evers
January 14, 1937 - January 30, 2011

Herbert Evers was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1937. After launching his career in finance, Herbert immigrated to New York, New York in 1966, where he eventually met May Wan, his wife of 37 years.

Herbert is survived by his wife, three children, and five grandchildren.

He is remembered by many as not only a talented and capable leader, but a person of overwhelming positivity, kindness, and generosity.

We honor Herbert today and many days to come, and we appreciate your gift.

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